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Selasa, 08 Desember 2020

The Latin Metals Story

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We are a prospect generator in South America focused on providing exposure to multiple exploration projects under the umbrella of one public company, Latin Metals. We acquire projects and complete early-stage exploration, but our aim is to have the majority of exploration expense will be borne by our JV partners. 
The Latin Metals Story
Latin Metals focuses on projects located in South America, which are described by locations below. Project selection is based on low acquisition costs, low property maintenance costs, and regions that are known to be supportive of mining.  
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  • LACSHA – large-scale copper porphyry target with 5.0km x 2.5km surface geochemical anomaly.  Follow-up work planned Q3 2020.



  • ORGANULLO – advanced epithermal gold project with approx. 10,000m historical drilling and potential for porphyry mineralization at depth, currently seeking JV partner.
  • ANA MARIA – large grassroots gold exploration property, located in area surrounding Organullo project.
  • MINA ANGELA – former producing epithermal gold mine, optioned to Patagonia Gold.
  • SANTA CRUZ – 5 grassroots gold and silver exploration properties within prolific Deseado Massif; LMS actively exploring.


  • ESPERANZA – advanced copper-gold porphyry discovery at surface with approx. 8,500m historical drilling, currently seeking JV partner.


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Rokmaster Delivers Robust Economics for Revel Ridge: After-Tax NPV5.0% of C$423M, 29.5% IRR and 2.6 Years Payback

Wonderfilm Media Corp.

Rokmaster Delivers Robust Economics for Revel Ridge: After-Tax NPV5.0% of C$423M, 29.5% IRR and 2.6 Years Payback

December 8, 2020

Vancouver, BC (December 8, 2020) Rokmaster Resources Corp.  (“Rokmaster” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce positive results from the Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”) study prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 by Micon International Limited (“Micon”), supported by Canenco Consulting Corp., Base Metallurgical Laboratories Ltd., Canadian Northern Mining Corp., and Knight Piésold Consulting, for the Revel Ridge polymetallic gold-silver Project (“Revel Ridge” or the “Project”) located in the Revelstoke area of southeastern British Columbia.

The PEA demonstrates the Revel Ridge Project’s potential to become a long life, low cost, robust polymetallic gold-silver mine with strong project economics with a base case gold price of US$1,561/ounce gold. In addition to the PEA, Revel Ridge has significant upside potential to expand current resources through ongoing exploration diamond drilling down dip, up dip, along strike and on other occurrences, with more than 430 samples currently awaiting assay.

Revel Ridge 2020 PEA Highlights (reported in C$, except where noted) include:

  • High-grade underground mine with mill-feed averaging $300/T NSR value (diluted) comprised of the Main Zone with 9.39 MT averaging 4.24 g/t Au, 49.8 g/t Ag, 2.62 % Zn, 1.63 % Pb (diluted) and the Yellow Jacket Zone 0.65 MT averaging 7.47% Zn, 1.90% Pb, 43.0 g/t Ag and 0.06 g/t Au (diluted). Years 1-4 mill-feed will average >$400/T NSR (diluted).
  • After-tax NPV5.0% of C$423M and 29.5% IRR at US$1,561/oz Au, US$20.55/oz Ag, US$1.07/lb Zn, and US$0.91/lb Pb.
  • After-tax payback period of 2.6 years discounted at 5.0%.
  • After-tax NPV5.0% CAPEX Ratio of 1.1:1
  • Life of mine (“LOM”) average annual production of 124,000 oz payable AuEq. (89,000 oz Au, 690,000 oz Ag, 37.5 Mlbs Zn, 21.2 Mlbs Pb).
  • LOM all-in sustaining costs (“AISC”) net of Ag-Zn-Pb by-products is US$560/oz payable Au.
  • LOM AISC of US$842/oz payable AuEq.
  • LOM cash costs net of Ag-Zn-Pb by-products is US$362/oz payable Au.
  • LOM cash costs of US$700/oz payable AuEq.
  • 2,300 tonne per day (TPD) mill comprising crushing-sorting-grinding-gravity-flotation-POX plant, producing gold/silver doré and saleable zinc and lead concentrates


  1. Exchange Rate (US$/C$) of 0.77
  2. Cash costs are inclusive of mining costs, processing costs, and site G&A
  3. AISC includes cash costs plus estimated sustaining capital and closure costs
  4. Payable Gold Equivalent (AuEq) calculated by dividing net sales revenue by $1,556 (i.e., $1,561/oz Au less $5/oz Au refining costs).

Rokmaster’s Chairman, Michael (“Mike”) Cowin stated, “Revel Ridge is a remarkable property that has been worked on since 1912 to unlock its riches. After significant metallurgical, marketing and processing studies, this PEA demonstrates that Revel Ridge has a solid future ahead as a high-grade underground polymetallic gold-silver mine, utilizing conventional mining & processing equipment to produce a combination of saleable concentrates and gold-silver doré. The Project has the potential to produce an average of 124,000 gold-equivalent ounces per year with a diluted mill feed grade of 5.53 grams per tonne gold-equivalent. By selling zinc and lead-silver concentrates to reliable Canadian and offshore smelters and utilizing low risk onsite processing facilities, we are able to keep initial capital costs low and cut marketing risk both short and long term.”

John Mirko, President and CEO of Rokmaster commented “This is a very strong start to a project with significant exploration upside. As a historical exploration site, Revel Ridge benefits from tremendous infrastructure in the nearby area and on-site installed by the previous developers, in addition to its location in a favourable, mine-friendly jurisdiction. Rokmaster’s team has substantial experience with permitting, constructing and operating mines in the Kootenay region and has demonstrable history of supporting community through mine development with low environmental impact.”

PEA Overview

The 2020 Revel Ridge PEA considers an underground mine with on-site treatment of the mined material by conventional milling, gravity and flotation to produce concentrates for sale to third-party smelters, in combination with on-site treatment of refractory gold concentrates to produce gold-silver doré. The mine will comprise an owner-operated, ramp developed, long hole stope underground mine.

The processing capacity of 2,300 tonnes per day will result in a production lifespan of 12 years. An additional 18 months of mine ramp access and development, and construction of the process plant and dry-stack tailings facility is planned prior to the Project becoming fully operational in Year 1. The PEA leverages Revel Ridge’s extensive existing infrastructure, including all-weather access roads, local hydroelectric facilities, 3 km of underground development, permitted waste rock storage facility, full camp facility and proximity to the City of Revelstoke with its skilled labour pool.

The PEA is derived from the Company’s NI 43-101 resource estimate (January 29, 2020), and does not include results from the recently initiated and ongoing 2020 exploration diamond drilling program. The effective date of the PEA is December 8, 2020 and a technical report will be filed on the Company’s website and on SEDAR within 45 days of this disclosure.

Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. This PEA is preliminary in nature and includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves. There is no certainty that the results of this PEA will be realized.

Table 1: Revel Ridge 2020 PEA Detailed Parameters and Outputs

Gold Price (US$/oz) $1,561
Silver Price (US$/oz) $20.55
Zinc Price (US$/lb) $1.07
Lead Price (US$/lb) $0.91
Exchange Rate (US$/C$) 0.77
Royalties 0%
Contained Metals in Mill Feed  
Contained Gold Ounces (koz) 1,280
Contained Silver Ounces (koz) 15,934
Contained AuEq Ounces (koz) 1,785
Mine Life (Years) 12
Main Zone LOM production (MT, diluted) 9.39
Average Diluted Gold Grade (g/T)
Average Diluted Silver Grade (g/T)
Average Diluted Zinc Grade %
Average Diluted Lead Grade %
Yellow Jacket Zone LOM production (Mt, diluted) 0.65
Average Diluted Gold Grade (g/T)
Average Diluted Silver Grade (g/T)
Average Diluted Zinc Grade %
Average Diluted Lead Grade %
Processing Throughput (TPD) 2,300
Total Mill-feed Tonnage (MT) 10,04
Average revenue per tonne treated (C$/T) 300.25
Average Diluted Gold Equivalent Grade (g/T AuEq) 5.53
Gold Recovery 83.5%
Silver Recovery 52.0%
LOM Gold Production (koz)
LOM Silver Production (koz)
LOM Zinc Production (Mlbs)
LOM Lead Production (Mlbs)
LOM Gold Equivalent Production (koz AuEq) 1,490
LOM Average Annual Gold Production (koz) 89
LOM Average Annual Silver Production (koz) 690
LOM Average Annual Gold Equivalent Production (koz) 124
Operating Costs  
Mining Cost (C$/T Milled) $62.42
Processing Cost (C$/T Milled) $65.07
G&A Cost (C$/T Milled) $7.59
Total Operating Cost (C$/T Milled) $135.08
Cash Costs and AISC  
LOM Cash Cost (US$/oz Au) Net of Silver-Zinc-Lead By-Products $362
LOM Cash Cost (US$/oz AuEq) Co-Product $700
LOM AISC (US$/oz Au) Net of Silver-Zinc-Lead By-Products $560
LOM AISC (US$/oz AuEq) Co-Product $842
Capital Expenditures  
Pre-Production Capital Expenditures (C$M) $396
Sustaining Capital Expenditures (C$M) $274
Reclamation Cost (C$M) $6.5
After-Tax NPV (5.0%) (C$M) $423
After-Tax NPV (7.5%) (C$M) $345
After-Tax NPV (10.0%) (C$M) $279
After-Tax IRR(%) 29.5
After-Tax Payback Period, base case discounted at 7.5% (Years) 2.7
After-Tax NPV7.5:CAPEX Ratio 0.9:1
Pre-Tax NPV (5.0%) (C$M) $689
Pre-Tax NPV (7.5%) (C$M) $578
Pre-Tax NPV (10.0%) (C$M) $484
Pre-Tax IRR (%) 39.6
Pre-Tax NPV7.5:CAPEX Ratio 1.5:1
Average Annual After-Tax Free Cash Flow (Year 1-5) (C$M) $160
LOM After-Tax Free Cash Flow (C$M) $630


  1. Cash costs are inclusive of mining costs, processing costs, and site G&A
  2. AISC includes cash costs plus corporate G&A, sustaining capital and closure costs
  3. Payable Gold Equivalent (AuEq) calculated by dividing net sales revenue by $1,556 (i.e., $1,561/oz Au less $5/oz Au refining costs).


Base case NPV7.5% remains positive for changes of 25% in revenue drivers (commodity prices, grade, and recovery), capital expenditure or operating costs. After-tax economic sensitivities to commodity prices are presented in Table 2 illustrating the effects of varying gold price as compared to the base-case. Additional Project sensitivities will be presented in the Technical Report.

Table 2: After-Tax NPV and IRR Sensitivities to Commodity Prices

  Lower Case Base Case Higher Case
Gold Price (US$/oz) $1,400 $1,561 $1,700
After-Tax NPV (5.0%) (C$M) 307 423 523
After-Tax NPV (7.5%) (C$M) 242 345 433
After-Tax NPV (10.0%) (C$M) 187 279 358
After-Tax IRR (%) 23.6 29.5 34.4
After-Tax Payback discounted at 7.5% (Years) 3.2 2.7 2.4
Average Annual After-Tax Free Cash Flow (Years 1-5) (C$M) 140 160 177

Revel Ridge Mineral Resource Estimate

The Company’s current Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE”); please refer to the technical report entitled “Updated Technical Report on the Revel Ridge Property (formerly J&L Property), Revelstoke Mining Division, British Columbia, Canada” dated February 25, 2020 with an effective date of January 29, 2020) completed by P&E Mining Consultants forms the basis for this PEA. The MRE does not include drilling results from the Company’s recently initiated and ongoing 2020 exploration diamond drill program.

Table 3:  Mineral Resources reported at CAD 110/t NSR cut-off (effective date: January 29, 2020):

Classification Tonnes
Au Eq
Au Eq
Main Zone Measured 1,352 6.13 266 62.8 2,730 2.19 4.09 9.14 397
  Indicated 2,848 5.33 488 49 4,487 1.72 3.11 7.56 692
  Meas & Ind 4,200 5.59 755 53.4 7,216 1.87 3.43 8.07 1,089
  Inferred 4,562 4.36 639 61.8 9,064 1.88 2.59 6.55 961
HW Zone Indicated 298 0.91 9 55.3 530 2.5 5.72 4.70 45
Inferred 38 0.22 0 75 92 3.08 5.44 4.34 5
FW Zone Inferred 341 3.91 43 25.3 277 0.53 0.48 4.20 46
Yellowjacket Zone Indicated 771 0.09 2 62.6 1,552 2.6 9.93 NA NA
Inferred 23 0.11 0 55.4 41 2.65 7.68 NA NA
  1. Mineral Resources which are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.  The estimate of Mineral Resources may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant issues.
  2. The Inferred Mineral Resource in this estimate has a lower level of confidence than that applied to an Indicated Mineral Resource and must not be converted to a Mineral Reserve. It is reasonably expected that the majority of the Inferred Mineral Resource could be upgraded to an Indicated Mineral Resource with continued exploration.
  3. The Mineral Resources in this estimate were calculated using the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), CIM Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves, Definitions and Guidelines prepared by the CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitions and adopted by CIM Council.
  4. The following parameters were used to derive the NSR block model cut-off values used to define the Mineral Resource:
    Dec 31, 2019 US$ two-year trailing avg. metal prices:
    - Pb $0.96/lb, Zn $1.24/lb, Au $1,331/oz, Ag $15.95/oz
    - Exchange rate of US$0.76 = CDN $1.00
    - Process recoveries of Pb 74%, Zn 75%, Au 91%, Ag 80%
    - Smelter payables of Pb 95%, Zn 85%, Au 96%, Ag 91%
    - Refining charges of Au US$10/oz, Ag US$0.50/oz
    - Concentrate freight charges of C$65/t and Smelter treatment charge of US185/t
    - Mass pull of 5% and 8% concentrate moisture content.
  5. NSR cut-off of CDN$110 per tonne was derived from $75/t mining, $25/t processing, $10/t G&A.
  6. AuEq= Au g/t + (Ag g/t x 0.011) + (Pb % x 0.422) + (Zn % x 0.455)
  7. Above parameters derived from 2012 PEA and other similar benchmarked projects.

Mining Overview

An underground mining scenario is the basis for this PEA. The owner-operated and leased mining fleet will utilize conventional trackless haulage and long-hole stoping with backfill using process tailings (paste) and waste rock.

The mine designs and scheduling were engineered to provide 840 kt per year of mineralization to the 2,300 TPD process plant. A total of 10.04 Mt of diluted mill feed comprising of Main Zone mineralisation with 9.39 MT averaging 4.24 g/t Au, 49.8 g/t Ag, 2.62 % Zn, 1.63 % Pb (diluted) and Yellow Jacket Zone mineralisation of 0.65 MT averaging 7.47% Zn, 1.90% Pb, 43.0 g/t Ag and 0.06 g/t Au (diluted) is expected to be processed over the LOM. Mill feed will be trucked from underground to the process facility located proximal to the main portal. Waste rock that cannot be accommodated within the mine as backfill will be stored together with dry-stack tailings in a facility constructed adjacent to the process plant. Underground mining dilution has been accounted for in the minimum 2.5 m width of stope shapes, with an additional allowance for overbreak. Total dilution in the Main zone is estimated at 32.1% and in the Yellow Jacket Zone at 38.7%.

Metallurgical Optimizations

To support this PEA, recent metallurgical test work was supervised by Canenco Consulting Corp. and flowsheet developmental test work was undertaken at Base Metallurgical Laboratories Ltd. using samples from the Main Zone, which represent a significant proportion of the mine plan. The 2020 metallurgical program has focused on optimizing sulphide flotation, resulting in similar recoveries but lower mass pulls than was indicated by earlier studies. Overall recoveries to payable product in the PEA are 83.5%, 52.0%, 70.0% and 69.2% for gold, silver, lead and zinc respectively.

Processing Overview

Run-of-mine (ROM) material is crushed and screened before dense media separation (DMS) to remove gangue. The beneficiated material reports to the milling, gravity and flotation circuits where lead and zinc sulphide concentrates are separated and dewatered for sale while the refractory sulphides are collected and treated by pressure oxidation (POX) to facilitate extraction of gold and silver by conventional CIL, electrowinning and smelting to doré bars.

Concentrate Marketing Studies

Multiple marketing assessments have been completed to support this PEA which confirm that Revel Ridge zinc and lead-silver-gold concentrates are readily saleable. At the same time, it became apparent that the economic returns from treating refractory material on site are significantly better, and reduces marketing risk, than those of entering into offtake agreements utilizing Asian smelters and third party POX plants.

Capital Costs

Table 4: Project Capital Cost Estimates (C$M) (totals may differ due to rounding):

  Initial Sustaining LOM
Underground Development $29.18 $104.37 $133.55
Mining Equipment leases $4.62 $89.38 $94.00
Mine Infrastructure - $0.50 $0.50
Sub-Total Mine $33.79 $194.25 $228.05
Crushing, grinding, DMS $13.19 - $13.19
Flotation $13.13 - $13.13
Dewatering, tailings, paste $7.68 - $7.68
POX/CIL/gold room $104.88 $7.48 $112.36
Installation costs $47.78 - $47.78
Site prep, buildings 14.50 - $14.50
Sub-Total Processing $201.16 $7.48 $208.64
Power $19.45 - $19.45
TSF, Water Supply & Treatment $16.14 $63.14 $79.28
Other infrastructure $5.57 - $5.57
Sub-Total Infrastructure $41.16 $63.14 $104.30
Total Direct $276.11 $264.87 $540.98
Indirect $49.53 - $49.53
Owner’s Costs $7.93 - $7.93
Total excluding contingency $333.57 $264.87 $598.44
Project Contingency $62.39 $8.95 $71.34
Sub-total including contingency $395.96 $273.82 $669.78
Closure - $6.50 $6.50
Total $395.96 $280.32 $676.28

Environmental and Permitting Considerations

Revel Ridge represents an existing exploration site with existing permits for mine discharge and waste disposal. The site has been maintained in good standing and environmental monitoring has been ongoing during operations and since the site was last active in 2012. There is a substantial database of environmental information for the site and region spanning almost 37 years. To accommodate the mine design contemplated by the PEA, updated environmental assessment and mine permits will be required. The Company is currently performing an analysis of existing environmental data to identify additional data needs with the intent of carrying out environmental baseline studies to advance the permitting process.

Community Relations

Rokmaster team members have maintained a long-standing historical relationship with several local communities and First Nations during past exploration, development and mining operations in the region since 1986.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The 2020 PEA clearly demonstrates that Revel Ridge has the potential to become a commercially viable project. Additional opportunities and next steps include:

  • Continued exploration and infill drilling for conversion of inferred resources to the measured and indicated categories
  • Potential for expansion and upgrading of the existing underground resources
  • Mine scheduling investigations allowing for further optimization of blending scenarios
  • Supplementary metallurgical optimizations including deposit-wide variability testing
  • Analyses and environmental baseline studies to support expedited permitting
  • Further optimization of water management infrastructure

Qualified Persons

  1. Eugene Puritch, P.Eng., FEC, CET
  2. Fred Brown, P.Geo.
  3. Alfred Hayden, P.Eng.
  4. Jarita Barry, P.Geo.
  5. Richard Routledge, P.Geo.
  6. Nigel Fung. P.Eng.
  7. Richard Gowans, P.Eng.

All Qualified Persons have contributed to their corresponding sections in Interpretation and Recommendations of the Technical Report, and have reviewed and approved the scientific, technical and economic information contained in this news release.

The Company strictly adheres to CIM Best Practices Guidelines in conducting, documenting, and reporting the exploration and development activities on its projects.

About Rokmaster

Rokmaster’s focus is on exploring for base and precious metals, and its flagship asset is its option to earn 100% of the Revel Ridge polymetallic precious metals project situated in the prolific Kootenay Arc.  Please refer to the technical report titled “Updated Technical Report on the Revel Ridge Property (formerly J&L Property), Revelstoke Mining Division, British Columbia, Canada” dated February 25, 2020 with an effective date of January 29, 2020, which the Company has filed on SEDAR.

For additional information on the Company and its projects, please visit the Company’s www.rokmaster.com or telephone (604) 290-4647.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

“John Mirko”

John Mirko, President and Chief Executive Officer.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-looking Information

This release contains “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation, including predictions, projections and forecasts. Forward-looking information includes, but are not limited to, statements that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future, including such things as the results of the PEA.

Often, but not always, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of words such as “plans”, “planning”, “planned”, “expects” or “looking forward”, “does not expect”, “continues”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “potential”, “anticipates”, “does not anticipate” or “belief” or describes a “goal” or variation of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved.

Forward-looking information is based on a number of material factors and assumptions, including, the result of drilling and exploration activities, that contracted parties provide goods and/or services on the agreed timeframes, that equipment necessary for exploration is available as scheduled and does not incur unforeseen breakdowns, that no labour shortages or delays are incurred, that plant and equipment function as specified, that no unusual geological or technical problems occur, and that laboratory and other related services are available and perform as contracted.

Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, future events, conditions, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, prediction, projection, forecast, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such risks include, among others, risks related to the fluctuations in metal prices; changes in planned work resulting from weather, logistical, technical or other factors; the possibility that results of work will not fulfil expectations and realize the perceived potential of the Project; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; risks related to the Armex litigation; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns and labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses; the risk of environmental contamination or damage resulting from Rokmaster’s operations and other risks and uncertainties; the failure of contracted parties to perform; labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry; delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing or in the completion of exploration, as well as those factors disclosed in the Company's publicly filed documents.

Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as required under applicable securities legislation, the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking information.

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VanGold Has Successfully Cleared the Pinguico Shaft to Adit Level 7

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VanGold Has Successfully Cleared the Pinguico Shaft to Adit Level 7

Sampling of Colmillo Stope Pillars to Begin Shortly

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / December 8, 2020 / VanGold Mining Corp (the "Company" or "VanGold") (TSXV:VGLD) announces that it has completed clearing the Pinguico shaft to adit Level 7 at its El Pinguico silver and gold project, located 7km south of Guanajuato, Mexico.

Clearing of El Pinguico Shaft:

The Company has completed clearing the Pinguico shaft of fallen rocks and debris to adit Level 7 in order to access this area of the El Pinguico mine. This shaft was one of three exterior shafts that were used historically at the mine prior to production ending in 1913.

VanGold Director Hernan Dorado Smith said, "The importance of having access to Level 7 from the Pinguico shaft cannot be overstated. This is the first time in decades that this area of the mine - the highest grade mine in the Guanajuato region when it was in production - has been accessible for exploration and development. We are very excited about sampling the bottom of the underground stockpile to improve and verify our understanding of the overall grade of that material. We are equally excited to sample the remaining vein material left in support pillars at this location (Including areas of the ‘Colmillo Stope') when mining ceased in 1913."

The Company invites its shareholders to click here and view VanGold Video - Episode 3 of crews inspecting adit Level 7 after gaining safe access to this level.

For clarity, the Company can also enter the mine from adit level 4 for 800m to the top of the underground stockpile. Recent work also includes establishing a road from the entrance of adit level 4 to the entrance of adit Level 7 and reinforcing the first 30m metres of the entrance to Level 7 with steel beams and concrete pillars; a total of 75m of access is now available from that portal.

Sampling the Underground (UG) Stockpile:

Within Level 7, crews can now advance about 40m north of the Pinguico shaft before a rockfall of UG stockpile material blocks our advance; however, a continuation of the Level 7 adit to the north can be observed through the fallen rock. Crews will remove this rock and stabilise the area before advancing north with the plan of sampling the bottom of the underground stockpile through historic draw points off of the main El Pinguico stope. (see "Underground Stockpile" below)

Inspecting Level 7:

With the Pinguico shaft now cleared, the Company will also inspect adit Level 7 to the south. Similar to the blockage in the north, there is a rockfall blocking immediate access to the south approximately 80m south of the Pinguico shaft, but as in the north, the continuation of the adit to the south can be seen through this rockfall. In the weeks ahead, crews will work to safely clear this material as this southern extension of the adit may provide a potentially safe and inexpensive haulage way to bring the UG stockpile material - as well as in-situ vein material - to surface for onward delivery to a nearby mill for processing. The Company will study this approach for bringing the UG material out of the mine; however fully refurbishing the El Pinguico shaft is also a potential alternative.

Underground Stockpile:

The UG stockpile consists of material that in 2012 the Mexican Geological Survey (SGM) agency determined to be 148,966 tonnes in size.1 In 2017, VanGold conducted a trenching program at the top of the UG stockpile. This program resulted in a weighted average of all of the trench samples of 1.75 gpt Au and 183 gpt Ag, (323 gpt AgEq), which is similar to the grades quoted in 2012 by SGM of 1.66 gpt Au and 143 gpt Ag.2 We are now in a position to properly sample the bottom of the UG stockpile and determine whether the silver and gold grades, established by VanGold's trenching in 2017 on the top of the stockpile, extend to the bottom of the stockpile.

The El Pinguico Project:

El Pinguico is a high-grade gold and silver deposit that was mined from the early 1890s until 1913. Toward the end of that period it was mined exclusively by The Pinguico Mines Company of New York City, whose shares traded on the Boston and New York Stock Exchanges. The mining was done principally from the El Pinguico and El Carmen veins, which are thought to be splays off the Mother Vein, or ‘Veta Madre'.

The Veta Madre is associated with a mega fault that outcrops for 25 kilometres and is the most important source of precious metal mineralization in the region. Current geologic interpretation, based on regional mapping and projections from the Veta Madre developed at adjacent historic mine operations, suggest that the Veta Madre vein system may cross VanGold's property at depth, underneath the high grade El Pinguico and El Carmen veins. Very limited drilling has been done on the property and no drilling has yet attempted to encounter the Veta Madre at depth. The intersection of these major vein structures are excellent exploration targets and may result in zones of significant size and grades.

Hernan Dorado Smith, a director of VanGold and a "qualified person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has verified the data and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release.

About VanGold Mining Corp.

VanGold Mining is an exploration and development company engaged in reactivating high-grade past producing silver and gold mines near the city of Guanajuato, Mexico. The Company's El Pinguico project is a significant past producer of both silver and gold located just 7km south of the city. The Company remains focused on the near-term potential for development and monetization of its surface and underground stockpiles of mineralized material at El Pinguico, and in delineating silver and gold resources through underground and surface drilling on projects located in this historic mining camp.


"James Anderson"
Chairman and CEO

For further information regarding VanGold Mining Corp, please contact:

James Anderson, Director, +1 (778) 989-5346
Email: james@vangoldmining.com
Continue to watch our progress at: www.vangoldmining.com

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, which relate to future events or future performance (including, but not limited to, the proposed work program at the Company's El Pinquico project and the potential for near term monetization of existing stockpiles of mineralized material thereon and the potential intersection at depth of the "Veta Madre" with the Company's El Pinguico and El Carmen viens) and reflect management's current expectations and assumptions. Such forward-looking statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company. Readers are cautioned that these forward-looking statements are neither promises nor guarantees, and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause future results to differ materially from those expected including, but not limited to, market conditions, availability of financing, currency rate fluctuations, actual results of exploration and development activities, unanticipated geological formations and characteristics, environmental risks, future prices of gold, silver and other metals, operating risks, accidents, labor issues, delays in obtaining governmental or regulatory approvals and permits, and other risks in the mining industry. In addition, there is uncertainty about the spread of COVID-19 and the impact it will have on the Company's operations, supply chains, ability to access El Pinguico or procure equipment, contractors and other personnel on a timely basis or at all and economic activity in general. All the forward-looking statements made in this news release are qualified by these cautionary statements and those in our continuous disclosure filings available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances save as required by law.

1 This estimated tonnage of the UG stockpile is historic in nature, has not been verified and should not be relied upon. Additional work is required to verify the tonnage of the UG stockpile.

2 Based on 57 samples taken by VanGold in 2017 from 20 trenches (mostly historic with a few new trenches) within the UG stockpile. All samples were collected, recorded, bagged and sent by VanGold's consulting geologist to ALS Laboratory in Guadalajara, Mexico for sample preparation. Gold, silver and multi-element ICP analysis was completed at the ALS laboratory in North Vancouver, Canada. Rock samples were fine crushed (70% passing a 2mm screen), pulverized (85% passing a 75 micron screen) and a pulp split separated for assaying by a riffle splitter. 30 gram portion of each sample was assayed for gold by standard fire assay and a 10 gram split was analysed for 35 elements by ICP method. Standard reference material and blank samples were inserted into the sample stream at a 5% insertion rate with pulped samples from the UG stockpile for quality control purposes. The results of the standards and blank samples were satisfactory. All data was collected with industry standard practices and assay results were verified by VanGold's consulting geologist.

SOURCE: VanGold Mining Corp.

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